Plant Quarantine

I. What is plant quarantine?

Plant quarantine is the state management activity of objects subject to plant quarantine that must be analyzed for pest risks before being imported into Vietnam to prevent pests and harmful microorganisms from entering and spreading within our country's territory.

  • If imported plants are on the List of objects subject to quarantine upon import, plant quarantine registration must be carried out.
  • If the plant is on the List of objects subject to plant quarantine and must be analyzed for pest risks before import, then apply for an import plant quarantine license and then register for quarantine. (According to Circular 30/2014/TT-BNNPTN)
Ảnh hải quan kiểm hóa tại Cửa khẩu
(Customs inspection at the port)

II. Apply for import plant quarantine license

1. List of objects requiring a plant quarantine permit (According to Circular 30/2014/TT-BNNPTNT)

    • Plants and living parts of plants.
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Grass and grass seeds.
    • Beneficial organisms used in plant protection.
    • Imported plants detected as quarantine objects of Vietnam.
    • Other plant quarantine objects with high risk of carrying plant quarantine objects shall be determined by the Plant Protection Department and reported to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for decision.

    2. Process and procedures for applying for quarantine permit:

      • Licensing Authority: Plant Protection Department
      • There are two ways to apply for a license: apply online and submit your application in person or by mail.
      • The dossier includes: Quarantine application form No. 04/BVTV + Business registration certificate (copy) + Commercial contract (copy)
      • Working time: 10-15 days

      III. Plant quarantine registration

      Goods of plant origin imported to Vietnam will include the following procedures:

      • Imported plant quarantine
      • Food safety inspection of imported plant-based foods
      • Plant quarantine and imported food safety inspection

      To know the details of which items will go through which procedures, we will check the following circular:

      Circular 11/2021/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (update of Circular 15/2018/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture): Promulgating the HS code table for the list of goods under the state management authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the list of imported and exported goods subject to specialized inspection in the field of agriculture and rural development.

      1. Plant quarantine:

      List of items subject to import plant quarantine according to Circular 11/2021/TT-BNNPTNT(Section 09).

      • Clearly specify the HS code for each specific item that must undergo imported plant quarantine.
      • For goods on the list of goods requiring a plant quarantine license, it is necessary to apply for a plant quarantine license first and then register for quarantine.
      • For goods subject to plant quarantine only upon import, quarantine registration must be carried out.

      1.1 Quarantine registration:

        • Quarantine registration through the national single window system
        • After the application is received, proceed to submit the paper application.
        • Implementing agency: Plant Quarantine Station or Plant Quarantine Department.

        Online application requires:

        • Sales contract
        • Invoice, PKL, Bill of lading
        • Phyto Certificate
        • Quarantine permit (if any)

        Thời gian làm việc: 1-2 ngày làm việc

        1.2 Open customs declaration:

          • After having the quarantine registration number, submit the official declaration and complete customs procedures.
          • At the same time, prepare paper documents to submit for quarantine – proceed in parallel

          Customs documents include:

          • Shipment documents
          • Quarantine application confirmed

          Quarantine records include:

          • Shipment documents
          • Original quarantine certificate issued by the competent quarantine authority in the exporting country
          • Quarantine Application Form
          • Quarantine permit (if any)

          Carry out procedures at the port + coordinate with the Plant Quarantine Department staff to collect samples. The Quarantine Department issues a quarantine certificate and then submits it to customs to clear the shipment.

          2. Food safety testing of products of plant origin:

            • Foods of plant origin that must undergo food safety testing are clearly stated in Section 10 of Circular 11/2021 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
            • Form: Register + upload documents via PQS system and submit paper documents at the same time
            • Implementing agency: Plant Quarantine Station or Regional Plant Quarantine Sub-Department

            The profile includes:

            • Application form: print from PQS system
            • Declaration, self-declaration for pre-packaged processed goods (copy)
            • Customs declaration
            • Bill, PKL, Invoice

            Working time: 1 day

            3. Import plant quarantine and food safety inspection:

              • Products with HS codes belonging to both category 09 (plant quarantine) and category 10 (food safety) of Circular 11/2021-TT/BNNPTNT will have to go through plant quarantine procedures and food safety inspection for imported goods of plant origin.
              • Form: declare & upload documents on PQS system + submit paper documents at quarantine office/station.
              • Implementing agency: Quarantine station/Plant quarantine department

              Required documents:

              • Plant Quarantine and Food Safety Inspection Registration Form (printed from the system)
              • Phyto (original)
              • Quarantine permit (copy or original – if available)
              • Declaration, self-declaration for pre-packaged processed goods
              • Shipment documents: Bill, Invoice, Packing list.
              • Customs declaration

              Customs procedures + quarantine sampling => Goods clearance

              Working time: 1-2 days.

              If your business needs to do plant quarantine, please come to An Phong to get advice and the best plant and animal quarantine services at the most reasonable cost in the fastest time!
              For consultation and procedures for animal and plant quarantine services, please contact:

              An Phong Import Export and Logistics Company Limited


              Hotline: 0972 458 885


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